18 October 2009

Tango Oscar Delta Alpha Yankee

India Hotel-alpha-victor-echo Sierra-tango-uniform-foxtrot-foxtrot Tango-oscar Sierra-alpha-yankee. Whiskey-hotel-alpha-tango India Hotel-alpha-victor-echo Tango-oscar Golf-echo-tango Oscar-uniform-tango India-sierra Juliett-uniform-sierra-tango Sierra-oscar-mike-echo sierra-tango-uniform-papa-india-delta Oscar-victor-echo-romeo Mike-yankee Lima-india-foxtrot-echo.

Kilo-india-november-delta-alpha Bravo-oscar-romeo-india-november-golf India Kilo-november. Sierra-oscar, Tango-oscar-delta-yankee Whiskey-alpha-sierra Lima-oscar-november-golf Alpha-november-delta Yankee-echo-tango Sierra-hotel-oscar-romeo-tango Bravo-echo-charlie-alpha-uniform-sierra-echo India Hotel-alpha-delta Tango-oscar Golf-oscar Tango-oscar Tango-hotel-echo Sierra-tango-oscar-romeo-echo Tango-oscar Romeo-echo-tango-uniform-romeo-echo Tango-hotel-india-sierra Charlie-alpha-tango Charlie-oscar-sierra-tango-uniform-mike-echo. India Alpha-lima-mike-oscar-sierra-tango Lima-echo-foxtrot-tango Mike-yankee Golf-india-romeo-lima-foxtrot-romeo-india-echo-november-delta-sierra Alpha-Kilo-Alpha Mike-yankee Golf-Foxtrot. India Hotel-alpha-delta Tango-oscar Golf-echo-tango Hotel-echo-romeo Sierra-oscar-mike-echo Foxtrot-oscar-oscar-delta Sierra-india-november-charlie-echo Sierra-hotel-echo Whiskey-alpha-sierra Alpha-tango Whiskey-oscar-romeo. Sierra-hotel-echo Hotel-alpha-delta Alpha Papa-romeo-echo-tango-tango-yankee Bravo-alpha-delta Mike-oscar-romeo-echo Oscar-romeo Lima-echo-sierra-sierra. India Juliett-uniform-sierra-tango Whiskey-hotel-alpha-tango Hotel-echo-romeo Tango-oscar Foxtrot-echo-echo-lima Bravo-echo-tango-tango-echo-romeo.

India Kilo-india-novemember-delta-alpha Foxtrot-echo-echo-lima Lima-india-delta-kilo-echo India Hotel-alpha-victor-echo Hotel-uniform-novemember-golf-echo-romeo. Sierra-oscar, India Tango-hotel-india-novemember-kilo India Whiskey-india-lima-lima Golf-oscar Foxtrot-oscar-romeo November-oscar-whiskey.

Yankee-oscar-uniform-romeo Oscar-tango-hotel-echo-romeo November-alpha-romeo-romeo-alpha-tango-oscar-romeo Sierra-hotel-alpha-lima-lima Sierra-hotel-oscar-whiskey Uniform-papa Sierra-oscar-oscar-mike

Sierra-oscar-oscar-romeo Foxtrot-oscar-romeo India Hotel-alpha-delta November-oscar-tango Tango-oscar-lima-delta Yankee-oscar-uniform Alpha-bravo-oscar-uniform-tango Tango-Hotel-india-sierra Sierra-papa-echo-alpha-kilo. India Foxtrot-oscar-romeo-echo-whiskey-alpha-romeo-november Yankee-oscar-uniform India Mike-india-golf-hotel-tango Whiskey-romeo-india-tango-echo Lima-india-kilo-echo Alpha-golf-india. Alpha-lima-sierra-oscar, India Papa-romeo-oscar-bravo-alpha-bravo-lima-yankee Whiskey-romeo-india-tango-echo India-november Alpha-november-oscar-tango-hotel-echo-romeo Sierra-papa-echo-echo-charlie-hotel.

16 October 2009

Not this Nochy

Your New Humble Narrator is here O' my brothers and sisters. This being Nadsat yahzick-slovos. What hath sloochatted? Worry not on it droogs. Odin minoota, droogies. Slooshy the slovos first of a razkazz's nachinovat. Appy Polly Loggies. Your Faithful Droogie hath not introduced Himself as if that sort of a sodding veshch which actually matters or not? Perchance thou and thine may not itty or continue to read onward without the ability to know this veck, Your Narrator. And, now what wantst thou to know? Your Narrator is a oddknocky type, his pol, of a veck who like most malchicks and strong chellovecks messels over, just like to brosay or tolchock his slovos down with what veshches seem to blub or platch out on the screen here. He is a luscious molodoy malchick but not molodoy enough not to be a nadsat nor am I a hardened prestoopnik; however, I am a plenny of His own Rassoodock. Anyway, let us itty on. Your Humble Narrator is not like some grazhny, merzky, vonny ded who preys upon malenky malchicks...O' my brothers and only friends, Your Narrator is slighty over a Nadsat. Your Narrator believes that is enough of that interssovatting cal. If not, kiss my graznhy sharries. And now...I will just begin with my o so horrorshow of a jeezny as of late if thou choosest to read with your glazzies.

Now that I govoreet so much about the glazzies, Your Humble Narrator shall nachinat hadth much over the glazzies this day. A checkup or the like This Narrator had with some glazzy-doctor. Several minootas like enough minootas to viddy a horrorshow sinny--almost dva sessions over. Real baddiwad more or less. Let Your Humble Narrator itty on. The lewdies knew not what sloochatted and my glazzies were skvated and poked like some zvonock tolchocked to Bog and All His Holy Angels and Saints but Your Droog had no messel over to snuff it or not, not this minoota nor bratchny nochy. On they went I had to let them get on with what they had to if I was to get out or not within a fortnight. Knew I when they would have their rabbit would snuff it or not. Afterwards it was autoways having been some energy expeniture. I felt most fagged and fashed all over my plott especially over my glazzies no dook and also when I goolied. It was then a tomtick of pischa and what Your Narrator had was some malenky mounch but without a drat, not enough to plenty Your Droog. I had no moloko-plus either just some peet full of cal. I had to itty and when I ittied.

O' my brother and sisters, Thy Luscious Malchick hath forgotten how skorry my slovos itty and he needth skazat that he had skolliwoll, yes. He ittiedth to skolliwoll with devotchkawakas and malchickiwickies alike. Your Malchick had to play hogs of the road with his black Durango 95 in the early nochy and when he was done he fillied around again under the flip luna-light on the way to his domy. That is all Your Humble Narrator. Sick and tired he has felt now. I might continue this razkazz of my jeenzy later but now I have to okadeet.

Viddy Well.